Mijn Boek – desired situation


Everything you take from MIJN BOEK applies only and exclusively to you, in your world. All you have to do is simply allow yourself to receive. Veteran Berend Smit and home front Diana Polder have written a nice understanding book.

Invest in yourself, give it as a gift and order !

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Product description

Mijn Boek tells (in Dutch) how you yourself are able to change your current situation to your desired situation.

Mijn Boek touches on truly EVERYTHING as you as a human being live in THE world. Get acquainted with MY BOOK.
Who better to tell it than Veteran Berend himself? .

You don’t have to learn anything.
Mijn Boek has the sole purpose of reducing your ignorance. What is:

  • your desired situation in your health?
  • your desired situation in your relationships?
  • Your desired situation in your work and/or business
  • your desired situation in terms of inner peace
  • Your desired situation regarding money? What is your desired situation?

Everything you take from MIJN BOEK applies only and exclusively to you, in your world.
You only need to allow yourself to receive.
The common thread in Mijn Boek is theory from quantum physics and neuroscience.
You will be given practical tools to apply in your daily life.

Are you ready to take the next step?


Veteran Berend with his fellow Unifil veterans holding my bookThe authors are Veteran Berend resonating standing in front of the banners of desired situation and Unifil Marching Berend Smit Veteran and his partner Diana Polder home front.

As of March 2023, Berend is no longer among us as a human being, but his energy will always be there.
Introduction of Berend about himself (is in English)

MIJN BOEK is your book; on the way to your desired situation.
MY BOOK is also available in English and Turkish.

1 of many reviews:
MY BOOK is a gift; to give and receive over and over again. My desired situation I am already (living). I experience freedom more consciously and am more aware that I have constant choices in my life in relation to myself and others. By relying more and more on my own power and tuning into what serves me in the here and now, I am living more in connection with myself and others. The power of imagination continues to amaze me and has unlimited potential for development. MY BOOK I received as a human being and opened my eyes to Life in your desired situation.
Willeke W.

Here are several videos in which Berend talked about the thinking and content of MY BOOK.

Inhoud van ‘MIJN BOEK voor Leven in jouw gewenste situatie’ –  2/6

Uitleg Revolutionaire Nieuwe Denkwijze – 3/6

Gebruik Je Verbeeldingskracht en Resoneer Je Gewenste Situatie – 4/6

Hoe Jij een Onvoorwaardelijke ‘Peace of Mind’ kan ontvangen? – 5/6

How to Receive Your Desired Situation as an Entrepreneur – 6/6

More videos can be found on the WoV Community page of Desired Situation

Additional information

Product specifications



Desired Situation



1000 gram


17 × 2,8 × 24 cm


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