Udens Veterans Foundation

Stichting Udense Veteranen

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Logo Uden Veterans FoundationUDENS VETERAN FOUNDATION Since 2008, the Uden Veterans Foundation has ensured that all veterans from all branches of the armed forces in the municipality of Maashorst can meet each other. We do this by promoting and perpetuating mutual contacts and friendly ties. We organize trips to museums, other veteran cafes and events. We participate in commemorations. We also organize the Veterans Café on every first Tuesday of the month in hall Witlox in Uden, open from 16:00. The biggest problem, however, is to reach the young veteran. Here we do get a lot of support from vlb Volkel. At this moment we have a board of 4 men, Ton van Hooff, chairman, Cees de Jager, treasurer, Roland Jonkers, general member and Roy Kroezen, secretary.

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